Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Photo Journal: July - September

Fishing with Great Papa!!

Aunt Julie comes for a visit.

July Birthdays


Daddy, Isaac, and Sammy go swimming.

Sammy meets Aunt Jodi.

Sammy's Blessing
August 24, 2008

Sammy rolls over.

"Daddy gave me some birthday cake icing, and it was mmm....mmmmmm....GOOD!!"

Sammy's first bite of cereal!

Sammy's first bite of carrots.


Isaac earned 1st chair trumpet, and an invitation to play in the jazz band. He, also, received all A's and one B+ for the first six week of his 7th grade career.

Nana and Papa came for a
SURPRISE visit!!

Look everyone...I can sit up all by myself!!

We love and miss you all!!
The Andrade Family